Plant Sales (April & October 2024)
or By Appointment
The Club generates most of its income through plant sales. The two advertised plant sales are in April and October (8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.). These sales were started in the 1970s when SMGC began to help Harold Hatcher raise funds for Hatcher Garden. Over the years, the sales have enabled local people to purchase healthy plants at reasonable prices and generated income for the Club that is fed back into the community through our projects.
Plant sales are located near the Horticulture Gardens on the campus of Spartanburg Community College (see the location marked on the campus map). Our April and October sales are held jointly with the SCC Horticulture Program Plant Sale. You can find hundreds of varieties of trees and shrubs for bargain prices! The SMGC plant list is usually available two or three weeks before each sale. See our sale ad for more details.
For every $100 of plants purchased there is a $10 discount.
Plants can also be purchased from the Club during the year by appointment, except for the 30 days preceding any plant sale. Contact Mark Carlson by email at View the plant list to see what is available. Payments are by personal check or cash (exact change please) during appointments, and also during advertised plant sales. Credit cards are accepted during advertised plant sales.
To see recent photographs for this project, visit the Photo Albums page.
Bob Reynolds (in hat and apron) assists buyers with plant selections.
April 2019. Photo by Linda McHam.